Copyright © by
Haertel Martin, All Rights Reserved,
This work will work up the fundamental particles of the nature by the
newest sight.
It is going out from the theory of plus- minus- original charges
The aim always was absolutely honesty to the nature.
Considerateness to old wrong and doubtful opinion were strictly
This work with the name of 'particles' is a collected edition with
follows single documents:
1 to 4
Much is presupposed as know.
If you are missing precognitions, there is referred to follow books
respectively documents of the author.
All necessary basis informations to the nature
laws are inside sub-documents of follow chapters respectively books:
Astronomie . . Astrophysik . . Elektro . . doctrine . . Kerne . . Kraft . . Strahlen . . Spezielles . . Teilchen
In the follow there is attached only document Paricles
Response and Copyright © by
Particles 1 - - original charges,
strongs, weaks
1) Task,
Arguments, Particle basis
1e) Original
charges - Compounded particles
1g) Symmetry
- force of original charges
1i) Are
there existing ‘neutral’ particles ?
1j) Partial-neutralisation
of opponent original charges
1k) Strong/weak
forces of the nature
1l) Only
4 bBasis-particles of the nature
2a) Rotation
systems - permanent alteration of force !
2b) Angles
and bigger distances of rotators
2d) 3-particle,
most inside rotators
2f) Take
up of original charges
2h) Weak
particle with 4 original charges (4-particle)
3a) No
force inversion of 4-particle outside U4
3b) Variation
of the radii -- force
3c) Encountering
of weak particles in general
3d) Arising
bigger weak particles
3e) 2
different powerful 4-particle – variation of rotation speed
3f) Quanting
only with very different powerful particles
3g) Parking
position of 2 same nearly powerless weaks round another unpossible
3h) More
times inside change of the force direction of particles -- 5-, 6-Particle
4) Strong
particles, electrons
4a) One
Weak and one contrary strong
4b) Weaks
are swinging in front of strongs
4c) Weaks
are quanting round the strong
4d) The
strong is building a cout of security or will be neutralized
4g) Smaller
strong goes into the orbit
4h) Dissolution
of electrons/positrons
4j) External
force reversion 1 of the electron
4k) Back
reversion at the electron
5a) Nukleons
in general and their kernel
5c) Positive
border keeps electrons away
5d) Additional
growth of the nucleons
5e) End
of the groth of nucleons
To Teilchen2-4 .
Basis -
3-/4-Particles - Strongs with cout
and Copyright © by Haertel Martin, All Rights Reserved,
. . zu 2. . . zu 3. . . zu 4. . . zum Inhaltsverzeichnis .
From earlier on physicians from all over the world are
seaching for the basis of the natur.
The nature consists of a lot of different particles.
Above all the particles are dividing up by the masse,
direction of force, altitude of force, internal distances und inside movement.
The author Martin Haertel precisely had breakdown the
basis particles of the nature.
In the follow there is attemted, to explain the most small particles more precise.
The are compounded and not compounded particles. Last are original charges.
Follow particles are to be explained for comprehension
of the nature:
positives - negatives
strong - weak
Odd particles are strongs (3- 5- etc particles)
single strongs - more times strongs
even particles are weaks (4-, 6-, etc. particles)
short waved particles - long waved particles
Particles without force don't exist.
All particles habe a force to outside.
In the nature Natur there are only forces, which , welche repulse or attract themselves.
All are to express in a form of plus and minus.
Restified forces disgust another, uneven forces attract another.
Therefore there are only particles with a positive or negative force to outside.
The whole nature is only composited by positive and negative original charges.
More original charges formate in compounded form 'particles'.
Compounded particles have an energy to outside. Therefore they take affect as firm builds, although inside there are rotating a lot of original charges.
charges have an unending deepness and nonterminating reach with their force.
Their energy E is calculated by pressure p * volume m³.
P and m³ exactly behave inverse proportional to each another. Their E keep unchanged.
All particles exist of original charges.
Energy 1 of an original charge cannot be produced or destroyed.
The produkt of pressure p times volume of an original charge cannot be changed (E1-conservation).
Also the author is going from the assumption of the symmetry of positive and negative particles within the univers.
Because of the relatively equal amount of energy of protons and electrons (only each 1 difference original charge) we are going from the assumption of the equal hight of energy of all original charges.
But not equal altitudes also don‘t varify the here written basis.
Are rotating a negative and a positive original charge round another (no kernel), we are talking about couples (is a 2-particle).
Their affect of force to a stabil pole is changing permanently (omens, height).
Couples with one positive and one negative original charge are always rotating round each another.
With a little radius they have nearly 0 force to outside. Teherfore they are nearly unimportant.
With big radius they are instabil. With contact to other particles they will be taken up at once and will be worked up.
Under particles we are anderstanding in the future only structures with at least 3 original charges.
By this all particles Teilchen have an affect of force to outside.
There are no particles, which are always pure neutral
Pure neutral original charges respectively particles wouldn't be measurable.
No other particle would feel or impair this.
Are ‘neutral’ particles compounded, so like with all others their affect of force is depending on their internal distances and displacements and their standord to the reference area.
It is better, we will use the term weak particles instead of neutrals.
One positive and negative original charge each have their own force to an external reference area.
Because this positive and negative force is mostly neutralizing at the reference area, there only remains a difference force, which is distance depending a lot of weaker than their single forces.
The force of a single origin charge we indicate strong force.
The difference force of more equivalent positive and negative original charges we call weak force.
The difference force comes into being by different angles and distances of the original charges of a particle to outside.
All particles of the nature can be divided up by particles with strong or weak force, as well as these particles by positive and negative force.
There are no single free original charges. Based upon their own giant force they would go together an once with other particles.
1m) Strong/weak particles
Particles with a difference of positive to negative original charges we name strong particles.
We indicate particles as weak respectively balanced, if they have so much positive like negative original charges.
How a weak particle affests to outsides, it is depending on its inside force shells.
From 4 original charges on, a weak particle has at least one midside central original charge U1, one equal directed exterior U4 and 2 contrary affecting original charges U2,3 between U1 and U4.
For stability U4 must be more multiple away from U1 than U2,3
1o) Distances and forces
To original charges applies, their mutual force is varifying with x-times distance to 1/x².
To particles (compounded of at least 3 original forces) don't applies this.
You have to consider, original charges are going out of a point-spherical shape.
With particles it matters, whether the internal distances are also be varified.
Are the internal distances changed also in the same ratio, so above formular is effective also.
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With rotation systems the hight of force affect is fundamentally fluctuading (both inside and outside).
The rotators are changing their position permanently and therewith their force to a standing extern reference area.
compensation of this change of force by special build is absolutely excluded. The permanent change of force is only weakenable.
At rotating systems the radii act a part. They increase the average distance to external reference areas (Then the kernel is more near.)
Besides they realize an addidional angle affect to a pol, which is descending their average force at the pole once more additively.
With 31.000-times distance from a original charge, their force is about 1/31.000²= about 1/Bill times.
One proton/electron has one positive/negative original charge surplus.
One weak (evened; so much plus- like minus-original charges) at the border of the atomic kernel has from its own center the same energy respectively effect of force, like it would be placed at the border of the big atom.
If one is going away the 10+5-times distance from the internal rotating weak, so the effect of force is descending about to the 10-10-times.
One 3-particle has exact 3 original charges.
The central original charge U1 is for ex. positiv, the two this U1 surrounding contrary charged original charges U2,3 are negative.
The center of this particle takes effect positive because of the positive original charge.
From U1 on the positive force is descending into the direction of U2,3, once because of the bigger distance and second because of the increasing effect of the 2 negative U2,3.
U2 and U3 can ave 2 extrem different radii.
All 3 original charges could be on a straight line, because the 2 both external negatives repel themselves very strongly and could set to rights another.
According to the distances the central original charge then is affecting to a negative single positive attracting and the 2. negative only ¼ negative repelling (force at U3: +0,75).
Therefore U2 respectively U3 can rotate round the central original charge without problems.
Every circlet round a central original charge can have 2 original charges maximal.
Therewith rotation systems on the basis of original charges always have equivalent positive and negative original charges or maximal a difference of 1 original charge (strongs).
Is only one original charge rotating external, so this whole particle is weak and has to outside the same direction of charge as this external original charge.
Therefore it attracts only particles and original charges with contrary direction of charge.
Normally it will take up a contrary original charge. This can rotate stabil if the rotation radius will be more times bigger than with U4.
But it also can take up a original charge with the same direction of charge like U4.
In all cases the new particle will be strong with 5 original charges.
Next time this strong particle only can take up an original charge which is contrary.
We call negative weak particles 'minos', positive weaks 'plusos'.
The smallest strong particle consists of 2 original charges U2,3 and one contrary central original charge U1, round which them are rotating.
Because of ist giant strong force it attracts strong and weak contraries.
Is coming a contrary strong, both will neutralize themselves under building only weaks.
Therefore at the structuring of the particles, en masse weaks are coming into being, whereby only less strongs will remain.
All 4-particles have inside a 3-particle as kernel.
U4 has more times distance to U1 than U2,3, because U2,3 have a contrary charge. Round this 3-kernel U4 can only rotate, if U2,3 are realizing an real kernel (otherwise instabil).
Between U2,3 and U4 the inside force of the 4-particle is changing from positive to negative.
Thus U4 will be attached by U2,3.
Because the sum of the force reducing radius of U2+U,3 is smaller than this of the positve U4, this 4-particle will affect up to endlessness positive !
Within the drawing the ratios are naturally not true to scale.
The radius of U4 can be larger much thousands of Billions times than this of U2+U3.
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If within a 4-particle a positive original charge is rotating at the border, in this region the force will affect positiv on average because of this existing positive.
This positive force will descend up to endlessness, but will remain ist direction of charge.
The 4-particle is positive/negative to outside, if U4 is positive/negative.
We are talking of positive/negative 4-particles, if U4 is positive/negative.
How strong the 4-particle is to outside, is depending on the radii respectively the distance the 4 original charges from each another.
The bigger the distance of an externeal reference area B to U1,2,3,4, the smaller is the force there.
With varifying the radi r of U2,3 respectively U4 (r2,3,4), the force of the whole 4-particle to the reference area B far away will behave follow:
When r2,3 is rising, the force at B is descending.
When r4 arises, the force at B also increases (besides if U4 is reaching B too near).
Are increasing r2,3,4 with the same ratio, the force at B also increases.
(Force N2,3 is descending by value less than N4, because U4 is overproportional far away from U1).
Restified weak particles are basically repelling each another, not restified are attracting another.
Are coming 2 little not restified to another, so their original charges are permanently taking away their original charge partners, until either one big weak or 2 restified weak are coming into being, which are repelling each another.
Comes one large into being, it can be decomposed again at the next time when meeting a contrary weak, or it is increasing once more.
If it is growing once more, it can be decomposed again at next meeting for example to 4-particles.
A Growing larger weak is very seldom. This is becoming unpropablier with further increase.
Also if 2 contrary weak particles are difting to another, their most extern original charge of each particle are attracting each another.
These external original charges are rotating not parallel to the second weak particle, but vertical..
In the semicircle when they are near to the second, they are faster. In the other semicircle when they are far to the second, they are slower.
With a negative 4-particle U4 is negative.
This 4-particle is affecting negative in this semicircle direction U4 in this moment.
To the back direction this negative minos is affecting positiv.
By average of the sum of the positive and negative affection the negative 4-particle is affecting negative.
But we will get another situation, when U4 is rotating different fast.
When the negative U4 rotates a shorter time at the direction of a contrary (second) positive 4-particle than at the back side, this negative 4-particle can affect to the second 4-particle suddenly positive !
Be carefully: By average round the whole first 4-particle it keeps negative.
To the second 4-particle (if this is must powerful) it is changing its direction of charge !
Because of the change of the charge it can stop drifting to the much stronger particle.
Therefore also round a very powerful 4-particle it can comes into being a shape compounding of small contrary 4-particles.
be both weak (here 4-particles) very powerful and relatively equal powerful,
they can also stop each another. Then
they are quanting round another.
Example: 2 not powerful but contrary and equal powerful weaks are drifting to each another.
Both weaks have their speed to another.
The weaker both are, the later they can varify the speed of their most external original charges.
Then they would break another too late.
They are driving into each another and will build up one new and bigger particle or will build up two with the same direction of charge. Then they will repel each another. They are speeding away.
Are still circulating in weaks between kernel and external rotators more further contrary shells of original charges, then the omen of the force is corresponding changing more times back and forth.
These particles can be both 'neutral' as well as strong particles.
Larger particles beyond 3- or 4-particles occur in the nature very seldom. They will be decomposed again very quickly by others.
With strongs it is equal, because they ony have each one within the center of electrons respectively positrons.
More haevier weaks are ranging in their environment according their energy. Their difference is seen at the different acceleration at 4-particles.
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The force of the central original charge U1 of above strong 3-particle is clearly reaching over the rotation course of circulating original charges U2,3.
Sufficient behind U2,3 the force of the 3-particle is changing its direction and keeps so directed up to the unendlessness.
Attracted contrary weaks have the same direction of force like U2,3.
Their outside rotating original charge U4 has the same direction of force like the 3-particle.
Now one weak is drifting so far to the strong, up to the weak is changing its force direction to the strong.
The strong attracts U4 of the weak more. Therefore in front of the strong U4 will rotate faster up to its nearest point to the strong and will be braked up to the farest point.
Therefore U4 will be longer 'behind' its 3-kernel.
Then this 4-particle can affect with the same charge direction to the strong as the strong has.
Now they can repel each another.
First the strong is breaking the coming 4-particle.
Then they repel aeach another.
Then they attract each another again, and so on.
The 4-particle will swing so long back and forth, up to reach a position without swinging.
The longer the time, the smaler the swinging movement.
So the contrary weak will park very stabil at the border of the strong.
Thus en masse weaks can quanting round the strong.
Strong particles are intensively attracting contrary strongs and weaks.
2 contrary strongs are neutralizing each another at once and will become one or more weaks (eventually still one additional couple).
Are coming enough contrary weaks to the strong, the will positioning within a parking course round the strong.
It is growing an always bigger contrary cout round the strong.
Round a strong negative particle there are placing millions or billions of weak positives.
At the border of the weaks the particle is affecting positiv because of the existence of these positve weaks. In further distance the strong will change its force again and the negative force will prevail.
At the border the strong is positive now, further away again negative.
In bigger distance, the strong particle is repelling all negatives, in its near all positives.
Therefore this strong negative particle is extremly stabil.
We call such negatives one times strong particles positrons.
Electrons are the positive reflection of the negative positrons. Electrons are high negative at its border !
As mid-point they have a strong positive 3-particle.
Standard-electrons are defined at their masse, which they have at circulating round the atomic kernel.
Electrons/Positrons, which are gathering more contrary weak particles round itself, wea are calling big-electrons respectively big- positrons.
Electrons/Positrons with more contrary weak particles we are calling mini-electrons respectively mini-positrons.
Is the contrary coat round the strong large enough, then this coat is affecting contrary to outside than the strong center.
An arriving strong will be compeled into an orbit round the coat.
Only if an arriving strong also has such a big coat like the first strong, they don't compel themselves into an orbit.
Both contrary coats are attracting another and are working up each another.
Permanently they mutually take away their contrary original charges and are continually building up new weaks.
Finally both strongs neutralize each another, because the 2 central strongs (for ex. 2 3-particles) are further drifting to another.
From the 2 for ex. 3-particles one 6-particle comes into being.
Then still only weaks keep remaining. The electron and positron were decayed into only weaks.
One times strong positives with negative coat are electrons, negatives are positrons.
The weaks of the coat repel each another and need further outside always more space.
From a special negative masse on the electron needs for a further 2-times quantity of weaks more than 8 times more space and 2 times more radius.
Therefore the electron is nested very deeply.
With for ex. 32 weaks on a kind of 'sphere surface' round the 3-particle they need a special space.
Has the electron more than 33 million weaks, it would need more than 20 times (20bit) the double radius.
So the radius is 1 million times bigger.
With it the strong 3-particle of the electron has at least the 10-7-times deepness than the whole particle radius of the electron.
This arithmetic is naturally only an example. But yet it shows how far the strong center of the electron can be inside against its really whole particle diameter.
Electrons are very stabil particles, because they are compounded and have more reversions of force.
Only double reversions of force realize an extrem high stability.
The electron has a positive 3-particle as kernel and round this large quantities of negative weaks.
Outside the negative weaks the positive force of the center is turning into negative force (because of the near energy of these weaks and the far of the strong center).
By this it is repelling inside shell B further arriving negative strongs and weaks.
Up to this repulsion the space difference between the weaks is always becoming bigger, until the last are placing very instabil at the end of the 'electron'.
Because the electron is very positive to far outside, it is repelling weak positives. So the new negative shell B keeps empty.
Inside that by the weaks caused negative shell theoretically positive weaks could settle.
But the strong central force is falling by greater distance less than the weak of the negative weaks.
So the negative force of the electron at its border is changing after enough distance from the negative coat again ito positive and is detaining the attraction of positive weaks.
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Nukleons are inside consisting of a huge quantity of electrons and positrons, as well as the minos which hold the protons together.
Neutrons have so much electrons like positrons. Protons have one electron less.
Neutrons have so many positive like negative original charges.
Protons have one positive original charge more than negative.
A nucleon has inside a kernel and that circulating electrons.
Both the whole nucleon and also the kernel have many shells full of minos at their border.
All nukleons have a more times strong kernel compounded of a lot of positrons (for ex. 80).
These positrons are being holded together by a huge quantity of positive effecting weak plusos.
Because of the huge surpluss of plusos (positive weaks) this kernel is affecting very positive at its border and repels arriving electrons (positive by far).
Further away the kernel has a reversion of force from plus to minus.
At a bigger distance it affects negative and is attracting electrons there.
The attracted electrons are compeled by the positive border of the kernel to an orbit round the kernel.
With reception of an additional strong unit (positron/electron) the non-ready nucleon (mini-nucleon) is changing its direction of charge to further outside.
After admission of an electron it is attracting a positron, then again a electron, and so on.
The nucleon is grothing so long up to the end of supply or the last electron will become too instabil in its orbit.
These plusos of the kernel are increasing also and are pushing the circulating electrons at every new admission on a bigger orbit.
Then the last electron can rotate so far away from the kernel, that less forces from outside will be enough to pull it out of its orbit.